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Accelerate your Master's Degree

MicroMasters® Program in
Reliability and Decision Making in Engineering Design

What you will learn

  • Develop an engineering view of reliability analysis and design
  • Model time to failure of products and use these models during the design process
  • Formulate and make multi-objective design decisions in the presence of uncertainty
  • Apply model-driven and data-driven decision making in engineering design
  • Identify and reduce biases in design decisions

Successful design requires good decisions in the presence of uncertainty and competing goals. A key design requirement of successful products is their reliability. Often, performance and cost requirements drive product designs to possess relatively small margins of safety. Since materials degrade with time, the resulting product life is finite. Engineers are challenged to design the product to ensure predictable reliability while optimally achieving the goals of performance and cost.

Making optimal decisions considering tradeoffs between diverse objectives is an essential activity in all organizations and teams involved in engineering design and product development. The ability to effectively make design decisions, and to coordinate the decisions of a team are valuable competencies for various roles in the industry, including those of systems engineers, design engineers, and engineering managers.

Both product reliability as well as design decisions require an assessment of uncertainty in product lifetimes or market factors. Product lifetimes are inherently uncertain, due to uncertainty in geometrical dimensions, material parameters or loading conditions. Assessment of market risk and uncertainty is crucial for good design decisions. Therefore, the tools and techniques of probability and statistics that are critical to the study of uncertainty form an important learning of this program. Analyzing the uncertainty and designing to reduce failure probability and the uncertainty in product performance represents another important goal. The physics of material degradation and the common failure mechanisms in mechanical and electronic products is an important learning, as well.

This MicroMasters program will benefit a wide range of practitioners and active learners, whether entry level engineers or transitioning into engineering management roles. The learning outcomes of this program will have applicability to products across all major engineering disciplines including automotive, aerospace, biomedical and electronics industries. This MicroMasters program from the best ranked online Mechanical Engineering Master’s degree program will prepare the student for leadership roles in product development or engineering management.

The program content is suitable for individuals with an undergraduate degree in engineering, or a related field. Basic knowledge of mechanics of materials and programming is expected.

Expert instruction
2 graduate-level courses
Assignments and exams have specific due dates
9 months
8 - 9 hours per week
6 Academic Credits
Build your skills and your transcript
For the full program experience

Courses in this program

  1. PurdueX's Reliability and Decision Making in Engineering Design MicroMasters® Program

  2. Started Jan 10, 2022
    8–9 hours per week, for 17 weeks

    In this course, you will learn the foundations of decision-making in the design of engineering products, processes, and systems.

  3. Started Aug 23, 2021
    7–9 hours per week, for 17 weeks

    Learn the methods of reliability analysis and reliability-driven design of mechanical and electronic systems.

  4. What is a MicroMasters Program?
    MicroMasters programs are a series of graduate level courses from top universities designed to advance your career. MicroMasters program certificates showcase deep learning and in-demand skills to employers and can help you get started on a path toward completing an advanced degree.

    How to Earn a MicroMasters Program Certificate

    To earn the program certificate, learners must complete and successfully earn a verified certificate in all of the courses in this program.

    From Program Certificate to a Master’s Degree

    MicroMasters programs are designed to offer learners a pathway to an advanced degree and can count as credit toward completing a Master’s degree program. Learners who successfully earn this MicroMasters program certificate may apply for admission to several Master’s programs, and if accepted, the MicroMasters program certificate will count towards the degree.

    This MicroMasters program offers learners a pathway to Purdue’s Master’s of Science in Mechanical Engineering (MSME) on edX.

    Learners who successfully complete this program may apply for admission to the MSME, and if accepted, the MicroMasters program will count as 6 credits towards the degree if they obtained a grade B or higher in each course. 30 total credits are required for completion of the MSME program.

    Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) also offers a pathway to credit toward RIT's Master of Science in Professional Studies. If accepted into the program at RIT, students will be eligible for up to 9 credits which will serve toward one concentration required for this interdisciplinary degree. The MS in Professional Studies– which can be completed online or in-person – is a customized, flexible program that meets industry demand by enabling students to strategically combine multiple, complementary fields of study to reflect their unique career and educational goals.

    • Design engineer in automotive, aerospace, biomedical, electronic and manufacturing industries.
    • Systems engineer
    • Product development manager
    • Quality engineer
    • Reliability engineer

Meet your instructors
from Purdue University (PurdueX)

Jitesh Panchal
Associate Professor, School of Mechanical Engineering
Purdue University
Ganesh Subbarayan
Professor, School of Mechanical Engineering
Purdue University

Experts from PurdueX committed to teaching online learning

Program endorsements


Microsoft’s hardware reliability group works hard to stay on the cutting edge of product development. Many of our engineers have learned valuable skills in the Reliability in Engineering Design course taught by Prof Subbarayan and many of these concepts are covered in the Reliability and Decision Making in Engineering Design MicroMasters program. This program teaches tools and techniques that are very valuable for engineers challenged with developing complex, technologically advanced products on aggressive time schedules.

Krishna Darbha , General Manager, Devices Reliability, Microsoft Corporation

Also in Engineering at edX


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